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Harvard Chan News

Michelle A. Williams, dean of faculty of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Message from the Dean: The power of follow-through

Follow-through is about putting our ideas into action, about closing the gap between what we know in theory and what we can achieve in practice.
By Michelle A. Williams
Antonella Listant-Park sits on a beige couch in her home and smiles at the camera.

Creating a spirit of sharing in public health

Antonella Lisanti-Park, MPH ’18, works to make the Massachusetts public health system more efficient, effective, and equitable.
By Shweta Shreyarthi
Anuoluwa Ishola leaning against a porch beam smiles broadly while looking off-camera.

“Nothing about us without us”

It took leaving Nigeria for Anuoluwa Ishola, DrPH ’21, to fully understand her country’s public health challenges and to dedicate herself to making a difference for its people.
By Shweta Shreyarthi
Jie Sun (left) and Amber Nigam (right) sit at a table in a student workroom at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health.

Alumni News Winter 2023

Honors, career moves, and items of note, starting with the class of 1997
By Jessica Lau
An Asian woman in a white shirt with dark hair wearing a Harvard Chan lanyard talks to a man on the HMS quad.

Alumni News Fall 2022

Career updates from past classes, starting with a note from the class of 1995.
By Jessica Lau