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Harvard Public Health magazine cover: A blond stuffed dog with a red bandana is placed in front of a bright purple and pink sunburst background. The words “Fido! Heal!” extend above and below the animal. Sub-title reads: Technology be an essential tool for treating loneliness. But does it work?


Winter 2023

On robot companions, making public health more precise, and reforming global aid work.

From the school

More Harvard Chan stories
Ankur Pandya speaks in front of a whiteboard. The whiteboard has black and white illustrations of objects — a chart, scales, a COVID virus, a microphone, a baseball, arrows, a video game holder, a flow chart, beaker — that frame his figure. He looks off-camera and his hands are mid-expression.

Q&A: Ankur Pandya on health decision science

The Harvard Chan associate professor of health decision science discusses how his field can help with COVID-19 response decisions—and how teaching is like stand-up comedy.


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