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Four slivers of images compiled in one. From left: Illustration of the backs of two figures in a side embrace; one holds a cane. Photo collage of four processed foods on a plate. Photo of a twenty-something man, holding hands with a child with an elderly man and middle-aged woman behind him. Photo of a woman sitting on a couch with a robotic dog.

Our top stories of 2023

Our editors pick the best stories we published this year.
By Harvard Public Health Staff
Book cover for “Endemic: A Post-Pandemic Playbook” by Monica Gandhi, M.D. The book cover has a light beige background, bright orange border and the word “ENDEMIC” in all caps in a light blue bar in the middle. Above the title is a quote and the author’s name, and below is the subtitle and another quote. The compassion is on a light purple speckled background.

Our next pandemic’s playbook

Monica Gandhi on why our next pandemic response must center harm reduction, equality, and justice.
By Christine Mehta