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Book Cover for “Rough Sleepers: Dr. Jim O’Connell’s Urgent Mission to Bring Healing to Homeless People by Tracy Kidder”. The cover is placed on a blue-speckled background.

Inside the Sisyphean crisis of homelessness

Author Tracy Kidder paints an empathic portrait of people experiencing homelessness and one man who chose to care for them—Dr. Jim O’Connell.
By Michael F. Fitzgerald
Black and white paper cutouts are scattered on a textured-blush background. The images are an isolated mouth shouting, a pair of glasses with eyes staring, a large explosion, a mega-hone, a pointing finger, a thumbs-down , a scale and a thin female midsection in underwear with a measuring tape around her midsection. Black type-writer text is scattered on the image. It reads: “Thin is in.” “Diet now.” “Lose weight.” “Mind over matter.

Let’s end the war on obesity

The way America fights obesity is increasing stigma and leading to harmful behavior. For truly better health, we need a new approach.
By Catherine Seraphin