Policy & Practice

Universal health care may drive the vote in Puerto Rico
U.S. regulations once undid Puerto Rico's first pass at universal care. A new political alliance gives it another chance.

Avoiding discussion of vaccine side effects isn’t pro-vaccine. It’s anti-science.
“I wear no tin-foil hat. I’m asking for the ability to officially document what happened to me.”

Poor diets are killing us. Better spending on nutrition research can help.
We need a funding model that allows for high-quality, long-term research.

Could worker cooperatives be a fix for the home care worker shortage?
“We have to build a caregiving infrastructure that treats workers and beneficiaries well.”

Voting is good for your health. These doctors want to help.
A growing cadre of health care professionals believes civic engagement can improve quality of life.

Despite warnings, Texas rushed to remove millions from Medicaid. Eligible residents lost care.
Texas officials acknowledged some errors after they stripped Medicaid coverage from more than 2 million people.

North Carolina’s Medicaid experiment is working. Here’s how we know.
So far, the program saves more than its services cost.

Did we forget about scurvy once we found the cure?
The disease gets less attention than those more expensive to treat.