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HPH Weekly: The role of child gun safety laws in curbing school shootings

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Written by
Jo Zhou
February 22, 2024
Read Time
2 min

This edition of Harvard Public Health Weekly was sent to our subscribers on Feb. 22, 2024. If you don’t already receive the newsletter, subscribe here. To see more past newsletters, visit our archives.

The role of child gun safety laws in curbing school shootings

A chalk-drawn handgun being erased on a black chalkboard
Gangis_Khan / iStock

The number of school shootings in the U.S. has shot up 600 percent over the last decade, writes Michael Rosenbaum, with more than 300 in 2023. The majority of the perpetrators are children—specifically, kids who found it easy to access a gun. Children’s brains aren’t fully developed, Rosenbaum says, and if we don’t trust them to rent a car or drink alcohol, “how can they be old enough to walk around with a … 9mm handgun?” Child access protection laws, he argues, are necessary to prevent kids from perpetrating gun violence against others—and themselves.

What does a chief social impact officer in public health do?

UC Berkeley main campus with the Campanile in the background.
Courtesy of UC Berkeley

What does a chief social impact officer do at a school of public health? At UC Berkeley School of Public Health, its first ever CSIO, Claudia Williams, says her job is about reclaiming the activist spirit of the field. The former Obama official says she aims to “shrink the distance between what we learn in school and how we can apply it.”

FDA privately rejected Philips’s claims that recalled CPAP machines were safe

Clear sleep apnea CPAP mask with grey straps and tubes on a grey table. The black CPAP machine is in the background.
sokko_natalia / Adobe Stock

After a recall of its CPAP machines, Philips assured patients using them wouldn’t “result in long-term health consequences.” The FDA emailed the company to reject the tests used to make the safety claims, according to ProPublica and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Their story reveals the agency did not extend its warning beyond these private emails, even as patients across the country continued using the recalled machines.

This story was originally published by ProPublica and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

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Jo Zhou
Jo Zhou is the social media manager and audience engagement specialist at Harvard Public Health. Read more from Jo Zhou.

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