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HPH Weekly: HPH launches a new series, Snapshots

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Written by
Jo Zhou
March 29, 2024
Read Time
2 min

This edition of Harvard Public Health Weekly was sent to our subscribers on March 29, 2024. If you don’t already receive the newsletter, subscribe here. To see more past newsletters, visit our archives.

HPH launches a new series: Snapshots


This week, we are excited to launch a new series giving our busy readers bite-sized views of big ideas in public health. “Snapshots” aims to keep a finger on the pulse of the latest pioneering public health research and reports, in 300 words or less.

We hope you enjoy this new way to engage with public health ideas. And speaking of ideas, if you have one you think would make a great Snapshot, don’t hesitate to send us an email.

Wildfires can cause or aggravate skin problems →
by Leah Samuel

Worsening youth mental health linked with declining independence →
by Jina Moore Ngarambe

Barriers keep HPV vaccine rates low in much of Asia →
by Jo Zhou

A decade after its pioneering food law, where does Chile’s obesity crisis stand?

Cans of Kryzpo brand potato chips, labeled in Spanish, line a supermarket shelf. Black labels on each can warn they are "high in sodium" and "high in calories."
Nicolás Reyes / The Examination

A decade ago, Chile introduced a comprehensive range of food regulations, from a sugary drink tax to warning labels on unhealthy foods, aimed at reducing soaring rates of obesity in the country. So far, it appears the law has had little effect on obseity—a view the food industry seems eager to adopt—but public health experts say it’s still too soon to tell.

This story was originally published by The ExaminationSubscribe to their newsletter.

What we’re reading this week

How Illinois is bringing grocery stores back to Main Street →
Barn Raiser

Why IVF looks different in the US than in the rest of the world →

Bodies into battlefields: gender-based violence in Sudan →
Think Global Health

Why are China’s hospitals shutting delivery wards? →
Al Jazeera

Teens who talk about their mental health on this app may be taking a big risk →

Filed Under
Jo Zhou
Jo Zhou is the social media manager and audience engagement specialist at Harvard Public Health. Read more from Jo Zhou.