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Cover of Harvard Public Health, Spring 2023. Photo: Black and white photo: Seven family members stand close together and stare directly into the camera. In the center is a twenty-something man, who holds the hand of a young black boy. To his left are an elderly man and woman. To his right are a middle-aged woman who holds the young boy's other hand, a middle-aged man, and a young woman. They stand in a backyard, with a grill and house on one side, and a modern tipi on the other. Text reads: Devon Parfait, the 25-year-old chief of a coastal Louisiana tribe, fights to keep his people together as climate change erases their land and erodes their health.


Spring 2023

On indigenous displacement, family leave, and the future of PEPFAR
A photo of a commemorative PEPFAR sign at a US-based event in 2022. It reads "PEPFAR U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief." The USA flag and the PEPFAR seal are above the words.

PEPFAR’s new goal: Ending HIV by 2030

Millions of lives have been saved since President George W. Bush established the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief in 2003—but what’s next?

Hope, headaches, and public health politics

Health outcomes can be traced back to politics and policies. In a polarizing world, will we have the courage to make decisions in the public’s interest?

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